Here are the details, in the above bed are bulls blood beets, sputnik arugula, red champoin radishes, and a few Chiogga beets. Below are Napoli and Royal Chantenay carrots. Both of these beds are currently being protected by row cover only.
This bed contains Cortland yellow onions, Rossa di Milano red onions, Lincoln and Scotland Leeks. These are under plastic and are going to get an added mulch of leaves and straw in the next week, we're hoping to overwinter these until spring.
I haven't pictured them here but I still have Lacinato Kale, Waltham broccoli, and Champion collard greens without any extra cover at all. We're going to eat these up then pull them out once the snow flies.
It turns out that this part of the garden maintenance is pretty low key and very high yield for the amount of time and work I'm putting in. And yes, I have some help as always.
How did this winter garden make out? I am planning to try this in Ontario this winter. I have some new raised beds that I will be putting a lid made of plexiglass on one of and row cover on the other. Just starting with two very small beds this year to see how this works.
Our winter beds did well, that said we had a very mild winter last year. We ate carrots all winter, the greens grew until about mid December, slowed down substantially, then picked back up in February. Good luck with your winter garden. Let me know what grows well.
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