I feel like this is one of the most hassle free things I ever do in my garden. For plants like greens, root crops, even melons and cucumbers I've had better luck with seeding outside than with transplanting. Additionally, this cuts out a lot of seedling maintenance that is required for other things like tomatoes and most herbs.
I direct seeded some beets, radishes, and turnips just 3 weeks ago and look at them now.
The disclaimer is that I've got these protected with row cover which I make sure is closed up pretty tight if the temp is going to go below 40 degrees F. We're still having a lot of these nights.
These went in today. Yes, I am shamelessly promoting these seed companies. They produce really nice, organic seeds so I like to give them my hard earned money. You should too.
I feel like a lot of people that I talk with are intimidated by growing carrots. I once felt this way also, but after trial and error here's my system:
Furrow, seeds, measuring device, potting soil mixed with horticultural sand, 2X4 scrap |
Last, I cover my seeds with a very light sprinkle of potting soil mixed with sand. Go thin here because carrots need light to germinate. Then tamp down lightly, water, and you're good to go.
Easy, right? Lastly, make a note somewhere of when you started these because inevitably you are going to have a moment in 2 weeks where you say to yourself, "this didn't work" even worse, you might go ahead and turn the bed up and plant something else. Carrots take anywhere from 10-21 days to germinate depending on your climate and the seeds, so have patience.
I guarantee its worth the wait, homegrown carrots are so tasty.
Thanks for the tip on using potting soil with sand over small seeds. Good idea. I bet that helps the germination rate.
maybe that's my problem...planted beets, radishes, and other seeds, but nada...and that was over a month ago. time to re-seed?
Maybe time to reseed. Did Paula email you about getting together with the lady gardeners?
Yes! I plan on being at paula's next weekend:)
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