Every good gardener needs bees. However, more and more, we are hearing warnings about collapsing populations of wild and honeybees. What is a gardener to do? Given that I don't have any control over large scale use of pesticides, mites, or weather I have decided to control the one thing I can - my backyard.
After some reading and consultation with my local
extension office I've modified my backyard bee habitat.
I've let 5 leeks that share a bed with my papers to go flower. Bees love onion flowers and the hopeful byproduct will be some leek seeds.
Afghan sesame, while not a local plant, bees really like to hang out in these long white flowers.
Spearmint. OK this isn't new to my garden, but I'm giving it a bit more irrigation love to promote flowers. And you've got it, the bees are digging it.
I'm also allowing some of the border areas which I would normally be more finicky about mowing get tall and I have left a couple of old logs with holes in them around. Mason and wild bumble bees have been hanging out in these areas and joining the pollination party. They are pretty tough to photograph so I don't have any pics to share.
So far I'd say my yields are improving substantially. This is awesome, but is keeping me busy. Pics of fruit tomorrow.