It turns out this is a pretty great garden activity for an almost 3 year old since it involves some brute force and not too much delicacy in handling.
We'll let the soft neck garlic dry out a little today and braid them tonight. I let my garlic cure hanging in my basement with a fan on. This works here because the relative humidity in Utah is very low.We picked about 75 nicely sized heads of garlic with about 20 shallots and the last dozen leeks. Give or take, this is about how much garlic we eat, replant, and gift during the year.
Also this weekend, more lettuce. Below is red oak leaf, Kweik butter, and Pirat butter on right with the last of the Arugula on the left.
We're still eating lots of salads.
And we are quickly eating out way through a bed of French Breakfast radishes. As usual, the French had it right.